Obsessed and Hunting

Gosh it's late Wednesday already and I've had blogging block. I think the start of the summer has fried my brain a little bit. Matt's in Hawaii (he leaves tonight & gets in tomorrow afternoon) so I've had the kiddies all to myself. We've been to the park a few times, swim team practice, the grocery store, Target, the library, and Evie has Twilight Camp with the Girl Scouts all this week in the evenings. Makes me tired just typing it! Really, it hasn't been bad at all, they're mostly taking it easy on me. Jason napped for 3-1/2 hours today! Sarah, my early birdy, has been getting up around 6:15 which makes me a little nuts, but she's good company that early. The screaming starts around lunch time -ugh. I'm thinking maybe of signing Evie and William up for Vacation Bible School next week too!

What else have I been doing? I've been stalking Craigs List for a desk for Evie, and apparently one for myself too. I'm finding that what I want for her (a solid wood desk, hopefully with a hutch) is a rare find and you have to JUMP ON THEM when you find them! So I'm running in here to refresh the page every 20 minutes or so.

I've also decided I'm taking over a corner of the 'play room' for myself. Because I hate going down there, as there's nothing for me to do. Sorry, I can only play with the kids for so long. So I'm hoping to make some sort of craft/sewing/activity table/center for me to have down there, and hopefully the kids will enjoy it too for puzzles & what not. Might save my carpet from markers, crayons and scissors. I'll post 'before' pictures soon, but here are two versions I'm trying to go for:

I figure if I have my sewing machine out, instead of buried in my closet, I might actually get around to some sewing & mending! Then I can be all crafty like you guys too :) Happy Wednesday!


  1. I love both of those desks...they would be perfect!

    I turned our basement into a play/craft room in January.http://www.youngandrelentless.com/2009/01/embracing-moments.html

  2. Keep your eyes out for one also at a garage sale or on ebay. I have sold furniture for local pick up on ebay really cheap.

  3. What a great idea! A place to work/craft while keeping an eye on the kids! Good luck with the desk hunt. I am sure you will find something awesome!

    I hear what you're saying about crazy life without a hub. Mine is coming back tonight at midnight. It's crazy during the summer with all of the kids home!


  4. love love love the desks! Great ideas!!! We all lucked out with naps today! I heart nap time! We all get to regroup! Good luck with finding a desk! If I come across any I will keep you in mind!

  5. I love the PB desk!! I haven't seen that before- I think you should try to make it- it didn't look that hard!!!


  6. Thanks for the links. I hope it works out because I can't wait to see what you start making!

  7. Mending and crafting? With what you've got going on, I feel like giving you a standing ovation if you're able to get a shower in.

  8. Oh, it would take a lot more than having a sewing machine to make me crafty. I must've been absent the day God handed out the crafty gene ;)

  9. I've got a few things I wanted to comment about...I'm having issues keeping my thoughts these days too, so I'll work it out w/ a list...
    1. Why is Matt in Hawaii and you're not? NOT FAIR!...I'm thinking every mom deserves a sandy beach and a fruity drink.
    2. What's this Twilight camp? Is it something Edward will be attending...or will the be looking at or talking about Edward (probably not, but if so SIGN ME UP!) :)
    3. I think taking over a corner of the play room for you sounds like a fab idea.

    Hope you're having a great Thursday!

  10. I am still failing miserably at my attempts to sew... but that just means I have to keep trying, right? :)

    Good luck finding the right desk(s)!


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